SCIE Journal
Song, Hyeong-Seok; Park, Jae-Eun; Kim, Young-Keun, " Lidar-Vehicle Extrinsic Calibration without Accessing Point Cloud Data" (under review)
Park, Jae-Eun, et al, " Domain Knowledge-Integrated Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Control of Smart Rubber Vibration Absorbers for Composite Vibration Environments", (under review)
Kang, Hee-Yun et al, "A Novel Small-Scale Bladeless Wind Turbine Using Vortex-Induced Vibration and a Discrete Resonance-Shifting Module ", Applied Sciences, 2024
Kim, Yejin, Young-Keun Kim, "Physics-informed Time-Frequency Fusion Network with Attention for Noise-Robust Bearing Fault Diagnosis ", IEEE Access , 2024
Park, Jae-Eun, and Young-Keun Kim, "Semi-supervised Learning for Steel Surface Inspection using Magnetic Flux Leakage Signal", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (IF 8.3), DOI: 10.1007/s10845-023-02286-y, Published Online, 2023
Kim, Yejin, Young-Keun Kim, "Time-Frequency Multi-Domain 1D Convolutional Neural Network with Channel-Spatial Attention for Noise-Robust Bearing Fault Diagnosis", Sensors, vol23 no23 (2023)
Hyung-Seok; Young-Keun “Automatic One-Shot LiDAR Alignment Inspection System using NIR Camera”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 7 (2023)
Jihwan and Young-Keun Kim, “Up-Sampling Method for Low-Resolution LiDAR Point Cloud to Enhance 3D Object Detection in an Autonomous Driving Environment”, Sensors vol 23 no 1 (2023)
Park, Jae-Eun, Ha-Neul Shin, Jihyuk Park, Juwon Suh, and Young-Keun Kim. “Friction Variable Rubber Pad Using Magnetorheological Elastomer for Robot Grippers.” Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol34 no3 (2023).
Daeik Jang,Young-Keun Kim,Taeuk Lim,Hao Cheng and Wonsuk Jung “Effects of Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Oxide Incorporation on the Improvements of Magneto-Induced Electrical Sensitivity of Magneto-Rheological Gel”, Polymers, vol 14 no23 (2022)
Ghorai, Prasenjit; Eskandarian , Azim; Kim, Young-Keun; Mehr, Goodarz,, “State Estimation and Motion Prediction of Other Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users for Cooperative Autonomous Driving: A Survey”, Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol23 no 10 (2022) IF 9.6
Daeik Jang, Jae-Eun Park, and Young-Keun Kim, “Evaluation of (CNT@CIP)-Embedded Magneto-Resistive Sensor Based on Carbon Nanotube and Carbonyl Iron Powder Polymer Composites”, Polymers vol14 no3 (2022)
Hyeongseok Song, You, Ji Hwan, Seontaek Oh, Jae Eun Park, and Young Keun Kim, “Automatic Inspection System for Automotive LiDAR Alignment using a Cubic Target”, IEEE Sensors Journal vol22 no.3 (2022)
Kwon, Haeun, Yunkyung Song, Jae-Eun Park, and Young-Keun Kim “A Standalone Tunable Vibration Absorber with Self-Sensing Magnetorheological Elastomer.” Smart Materials and Structures, (2021)
You, Ji Hwan, Seontaek Oh, Jae Eun Park, Hyeongseok Song, and Young Keun Kim, ‘A Novel LiDAR Sensor Alignment Inspection System for Automobile Productions Using 1-D Photodetector Arrays’, Measurement, 183 (2021)
Zhang, Ce, Young-Keun Kim, and Azim Eskandarian. “EEG-inception: an accurate and robust end-to-end neural network for EEG-based motor imagery classification.” Journal of Neural Engineering 18, no. 4 (2021) IF 5.0
Park, Jae-Eun, Jaeyoung Lee, and Young-Keun Kim. “Design of model-free reinforcement learning control for tunable vibration absorber system based on magnetorheological elastomer.” Smart Materials and Structures 30, no. 5 (2021)
Oh, Seontaek, Ji-Hwan You, Azim Eskandarian, and Young-Keun Kim. “Accurate Alignment Inspection System for Low-Resolution Automotive LiDAR.” IEEE Sensors Journal 21, no. 10 (2021)
Chanhee Jang And Young-Keun Kim, “Drift Compensation Of Mono-Visual Odometry And Vehicle Localization Using Public Road Sign Database”, International Journal Of Automotive Technology, vol20, no.6, 2019
Kang-Hyun Lee, Jae-Eun Park and Young-Keun Kim, “Design Of A Stiffness Variable Flexible Coupling Using Magnetorheological Elastomer For Torsional Vibration Reduction”, Journal Of Intelligent Material Systems And Structures, Vol 30, no 15, (2019)
Ga Eun Yun, Dae Ik Jang, Jae-Eun Park, Young-Keun Kim, “Electric Impedance Properties Of Magnetorheological Gels For Self-Sensing Applications”, Vol.19, no11, Sensors (2019)
Young-Keun Kim, Jangheon Kim, Daeik Jang, Soohyun Kim, Wonsuk Jung “Effect of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on Dynamic Stiffness of Magnetorheological Gel” Current Nanoscience, Vol. 14, No.10, (2018)
Dae Ik Jang, Ga Eun Yun, Jae-Eun Park, Young-Keun Kim, “Designing an Attachable and Power-efficient All-in-one Module of Tunable Vibration Absorber based on Magnetorheological Elastomer”,Smart Material and Structure, Vol. 27, No.8 (2018)
2017 and before
김현기, 김혜신, 김영근(교신저자), “Stiffness Control of Magnetorheological Gels for Adaptive Tunable Vibration Absorber”, Smart Material and Structure, 26(1), 015016, 2017
이정훈, 김영근, 김수현, 김경수(교신저자), “Estimating Clothing Thermal Insulation Using an Infrared Camera”, Sensors, 16(3), 2016
김철영, 김영근, 김수현, 정원석(교신저자), “Development of the Crossbow-type Launcher for a Small Reconnaissance Robot based on the Axiomatic Theorem”, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 10(6), JAMDSM0084, 2016
김영근(주저자), 김경수, 김수현 “A Portable and Remote 6-DOF Pose Sensor System With a Long Measurement Range Based on 1-D Laser Sensors”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 62(9), 5722-5729, 2015
신범철, 윤정환, 김경수, 김영근(교신저자), “Note: Vibration Suppression Using Tunable Vibration Absorber Based on Stiffness Variable Magneto-rheological Gel”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(10), 106106, 2015
양준호, 김영근, 이재영(교신저자), “Simplified Process for Manufacturing Macroscale Patterns to Enhance Voltage Generation by a Triboelectric Generator”, Energies, 8(11), 12729-12740, 2015
김영근(주저자), 김경수, “ Note: Reliable and Non-contact 6-D Motion Tracking System Based on 2-D Laser Scanners for Cargo Transportation”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(10), 106102, 2014
김영근(교신저자), 김용훈, 장인권, 김경수, 김수현, “Structural Optimization of a Novel 6-DOF Pose Sensor System for Enhancing Noise Robustness at a Long Distance”, IEEE, Trans. Industrial Electronics, 61(10), 5622-5631, 2014
김영근(교신저자), 장인권, 김경수, 김수현, “Design Improvement of the Three-Beam Detector Towards a Precise Long-Range 6-DOF Motion Sensor System”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85(1), 015004, 2014
김영근(교신저자), 김용훈, 정윤섭, 장인권, 김경수, 김수현, 곽병만, “Developing Accurate Long Distance 6-DOF Motion Detection with 1-D Laser Sensors: Three-Beam Detection System”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, 60(8), 3386-3395, 2013
Robert Sinko, Michael Karnes, 구정회, 김영근, 김경수(교신저자), “Design and Test of an Adaptive Vibration Absorber Based on MR Elastomers and a Hybrid Electromagnet”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24(7), 803-812, 2013
김영근(주저자), 배효인, 구정회, 김경수(교신저자), 김수현, “Note: Real Time Control of a Tunable Vibration Absorber Based on Magnetorheological Elastomer for Suppressing Tonal Vibrations”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(4), 046108-3, 2012
김영근(주저자), 구정회, 김경수(교신저자), 김수현, “Suppressing Harmonic Vibrations of a Miniature Cryogenic Cooler Using an Adaptive Tunable Vibration Absorber Based on Magneto-Rheological Elastomers”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 82(3), 035103-6, 2011
안창민, 박재은, 김영근(교신저자), Roll-to-Roll CVD 그래핀 공정 자동화를 위한 구리판 곡률 모니터링 머신비전 시스템 설계, 48(8),대한기계학회논문집 A권 , 2024
김예진, 전현직, 김영근(교신저자), 볼 베어링 고장진단 기법 비교 및 XAI Grad-CAM을 이용한 분류결과 해석 연구. 전기학회논문지, 71(9), 1315-1325, 2022
유지환, 나원상, 김영근(교신저자), 변전소 불량애자 검출을 위한 드론 EO/IR 영상 기반의 경량화 객체탐지 모델 응용 연구. 전기학회논문지, 71(3), 540-547, 2022
심이삭, 임주형, 장영완, 유지환, 오선택, 김영근(교신저자), 자율주행용 임베디드 플랫폼 탑재를 위한 YOLOv4 기반 객체탐지 경량화 모델 개발,.한국자동차공학회논문집, 29(10), 959-966, 2021
서주찬, 오선택, 김영근(교신저자), 라이다 및 카메라 듀얼 센서 모니터링 기반의 곡선 차선인식 알고리즘 연구, 한국자동차공학회 논문집, 29(2), 197-204, 2021
오선택, 김형우, 조성현, 유지환, 권용성, 나원상, 김영근(교신저자),드론의 변전소 애자 이상현상 탐지를 위한 심층신경망 경량화 모델 기반 알고리즘 개발 연구, 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 26 (11), 884-890, 2020
오선택, 유지환, 김영근(교신저자), “고속 임베디드 기어 검사 시스템을 위한 불량 검출 알고리즘 FPGA 가속화 연구”, 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 25(8), 665-670, 2019
오선택, 정기동, 김호민, 김영근(교신저자), ”머신러닝을 이용한 시각장애인 도로 횡단 보조 임베디드 시스템 개발”, 한국HCI학회 논문지, 14(2), 41-47, 2019
이강현, 박재은, 김영근(교신저자) , “적응적 비틀림 진동 감쇠를 위한 스마트 강성가변 커플링 프로토타입 설계 및 해석”, 대한기계학회논문집A권, 43(9), 591-598, 2019
박재은, 임창현, 김태성, 김영근, “차량 비상제동을 위한 전자식 주차 브레이크 제어 시뮬레이터 설계”, 한국자동차공학회 논문집, 25(1), 19-27, 2017
장대익, 박재은, 김영근(교신저자), “자기유변 엘라스토머 기반 진동흡수기 및 자기장 발생기의 통합형 모듈 소형화 설계 연구”, 대한기계학회논문집 A권, 43(3), 177-183, 2019
장대익, 박재은, 김영근(교신저자), “자기유변 물질의 강성제어를 위한 자기 차폐 원리 기반의 자기장 발생기 설계”, 대한기계학회논문집 A권, 41(9), 861-868, 2017
장찬희, 이순주, 최창범, 김영근(교신저자), ”가우시안 혼합모델을 이용한 강인한 실시간 곡선차선 검출 알고리즘”, 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 22(1), 1-7, 2016
정원석, 김영근, 김수현(교신저자), “구형 투척 로봇의 전방향 충격흡수 구조 설계 및 동적 자세 안정화”, 제어로봇시스템학회 논문지, 22(4), 281-287, 2016
정원석, 김영근, 김수현(교신저자), “충격흡수 향상을 위한 소형 구형 투척 로봇 구조 설계” 제어로봇시스템학회논문지, 21(4), 2015
김영근, 김홍배, 김응현, 김경수(교신저자), “동조질량 진동흡수기를 이용한 미니 저온쿨러의 진동 절연”, 대한기계학회논문집 A권, 34(5), 605-609, 2010